Saturday, September 5, 2009

I Survived Week One!

Wow...I don't know if today really was as slow as it felt or if I'm just getting used to things. But one thing is for sure--we have been so over-staffed for this weekend. Again I only got like four or five tables, and I only had six checks. I met some awesome people, though, which always makes it worthwhile.

Slow shifts are bearable during lunch hours, but they drag on and on at dinner since it lasts so much longer. And things got off to a slow start, but it was a decent night. Oh! I forgot to mention last night that there were three birthdays! And there was one tonight! And there was one earlier this week. We sing the normal happy birthday song. I'm not sure if that's legal or not...

I guess I don't have a ton to say about tonight...I think I made fifty max in tips, so I must have only brought home around twenty. I didn't even count it to be honest. I was ready to get out of there. Just as I was excited last night to not have to get up early today (though I did anyhow), I'm excited about being off tomorrow! I enjoy the job, but my feet aren't used to this yet...they need some recovery time!

Alright. Bedtime. I've dragged this post out long enough!

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