So today started out fairly expected. Schools are back in session, it's a Tuesday--things are just not expected to speed up. Well did we ever get a shock. At some point we both just kept getting party after party--we'd have three tables at a time and then as soon as one was getting ready to leave another would come to take it's place. In the end we only ended up using eight checks each but it ended up seeming like a lot considering that we were only open for a couple of hours and had a slow start.
I had my first time helping a regular for the second time and he happens to be one that makes a special order. I'm working hard to remember it. I met another regular and had some interesting custom meal requests today, so I was kept on my toes.
Needless to say I didn't really get to touch the cube today, haha. Well after getting off work I went to see the second showing of the Japanese film showings with one of my best friends at one of the nearby universities. It was amusing, but I'm really looking forward to next week--Battle Royale on the big screen!
All in all I made about twenty-three dollars in tips today after payout. I asked some questions regarding taxes and paychecks, but it slipped both of our minds and we never got around to it. I think I'm done now. Until tomorrow!
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