Monday, September 21, 2009

Where'd the Weekend Go?

Oh, that's right--mine only consists of one day off. Oh wait...I used that day to move all my stuff from my school house back home... Hence the lack of update yesterday. I'm sure you all were just /dying/ to hear about all my screw-ups for the past week, but you'll just have to go without.

Today got off to a really awesome start. My first table was a mother and daughter who had never eaten before--they were both beautiful and incredibly sweet (names excluded to protect the identities of the awesome). The mother welcomed conversation--she told us about the guy who apparently decapitated that robber with a samurai sword, which prompted us finding out that one of our co-workers' old neighbors back when she was a kid overseas killed his neighbor over having an affair with his wife--and seemed very happy with the service and the experience and her daughter was an absolute cutie pie--she gave me a hug when they left! They promised to come see me again and said they're going to tell all their friends. That absolutely made my night and no matter what happened after that, nothing was going to kill my mood.

Fortunately, nothing bad happened. All my parties were at the very least polite and most of them were downright awesome. I'm pretty sure a couple were trying to slip me tips to pocket, but I was being watched like a hawk by tonight's cashier and...well...I don't want to break the rules, even if they had already tipped the chef.

And even though I said I'm going to try to stop, I ate makanai tonight! It was chicken with vegetables and it was so good! On top of that we were given raw fish! And on top of that my mom wanted me to buy sushi /and/ they gave me sushi rice with it! How I managed to not stuff myself is beyond me.

That being said, I made like...twenty-three dollars tonight, so I can't complain. Mondays are slow. I'm just happy I got to serve some awesome people and I didn't do anything to get yelled at for. I was the last server out the door tonight--since I had the last table it took me a lot longer to finish my chores. I think the exterminators came tonight, too. That was interesting--they put plastic all over everything and then sprayed everywhere. I didn't think they could do that sort of thing while people are there, but maybe that's why they came in while we were closing. They again, I just assume they were exterminators. I don't really know.

That's all for tonight! I work in the morning, so I'll update some point...

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